After I ate my bananas and watched a little bit of Pros vs. Joes I got ready for the day. It was around 3:30 I think? But time to me lately has blended into numbers and circle on a wall that tells you that your some how "late" or "early". Anyways after I got ready,I went into the living room where my brother was sitting on the couch playing a game on Facebook. The TV wasn't on so i was somewhat freaked out, because he usally has everything on at once: phone, labtop, TV, lights in the fucking hallway, you name it. So I asked him why he didn't have the TV on? Before I could finish he said with a smart ass spin in his words "I don't know, and don't ask to use the computer because I'm using it.". You know, I heard a quote just resently saying " You don't choose your familiy, they are God's gift to you, as you are to them". I try thinking of that before, after, and during the ass beating I give to my brother. Most of the time, my parents come in and tell me to grow up your 18and your brothers 12" or saying my favorite line "be the bigger person" even tho my brother and my dad fight all the time. He says he helping with his wrestling, but I personally find that to be bull shit.
So after watching another hour of Pros vs. Joes and some more crap Steven Segeal movies, my dad gave me $35 and told me to pick some pizza from Papa John's. So I got my hat and jacket, and went into the garage where my mom (seeing her the first today) was smoking in her big brown jacket. Latley she has worn that jacket alot, giving me the impression that she smoking alot more then normal or she is cold everywhere. Ether way I'm worried about her. So she asked me where I was going, and I said "Dad ordered some pizza, and he wants me to get it.". With a hit off her cigarette, and a ash to her tray. She said with her kind a calming voice "Ok, be careful". So I walked on by her, got in the car, and turned up my stereo. I latley have been listening to hip-hop, and I personally don't think my parents appove. So when I was pulling out I saw my mom smile and shake her head.
When I got out of the neighborhood I went straight towards the gas station. Where I usally pick up a soda and from time to time some ciggaretes. This time I wanted some, and I've gone to this gas station for like I don't know 6 months maybe more. So they have seen my ID alot. Most of the time they don't ask me, but this time they did. And guess what I don't have... Owell I told the ladie I didn't have my ID. So I got my soda, and left. I got in the car, somewhat pissed off, and noticed that the car has around 0 miles of gas left. So being a nice son, and also not feeling like being stranded on the side of the road so I gave the car a little over $10 of gas. Then right after that I hurried to house to get my damn ID so I can get my damn cigarettes. Well I was trying to sneak into the house trying not to look like a dumbass by parking in the driveway, but my luck that my dad was in the garage smoking. So we kinda had a awkward moment a little bit, until I said "hey", then her said "hey". So i ran into the house grabbed my wallet and left.
I drove down Dixon to grab to pizza, still listen to my music. Latley I have been listen to Yelawolf: Trunk Muzik, which I can some what relate to.... sorta. I think I really got into hip-hop when I attended KACC (Kokomo Area Carrer Center) to learn how to be succesful in TV production and on the side music production. My dream has always to be part of music, but my parents beileve its a future down fall if anyone goes into it. So they won't fund my college education if thats my mayjor. So for now I'm working on TV production, maybe this will help me get close to the music industry one day. Anyways, back to my trip. I got to the pizza joint, and I don't know what was goin on but some chick must of ordered 2 different orders and didn't have enough money or some shit like that? But I really didn't give a shit. So she goes storming out, and I was next in line. Now I have gone to this place like 2 times or so, but the girl who works the counter is F*I*N*E. Like I was about to say "DAMN!! Check out that ghetto buttie!!". She was like "You here to pick up" and I said trying to be cool "Yeah, Stewart". She went to get my order, and I was pulling my dads money out. She hit the cash register, and asked for $37 but my dad gave me only $35. So I was like fuck. I pulled out my money out put my dad's money in my pocket and gave the girl $40. I left the store with the pizza, and noticed a gas station across the road. So I entered the car drove across the street and got some cigarettes. Looking back on that I'm pretty sure I was in such a rush, I actually parked in the walking lane. Wow, addicted much.
After I got in my car, I lit up one and went on my way. Arounded 15 minutes and 2 cigarettes later, I made it home. My dad got on the passager's side, where the pizza was, and took it out of the car. He asked "how were the roads, the temp is going down so I guess bad?". I answered "no they were just wet.". We both entered the house, he entered first leaving the door open. I walked behind and closed the door. My brother, literally drowling from his mouth like if he was a pitbull screaming "FOOD!!". My dad puts the pizza down, then my brother attacked the box like he was a lion pouncing on a zebra. I went into the living room, and just sat on the couch. My brother must had the control, because the TV was on some cartoons. So I said "what the fuck" and changed the channel. I really didn't see anything good on so I went back on the Segeal marathon. I know, I was jumping for joy... My dad asked "why I didn't you get some pizza?". I answered simply "I'm not hungry". My dad said "ok", with a suprised look on my face. Although I went in around a minute later, and my dad just laughed. When I came back in the living room my dad was looking at movies on demand. He asked if I would mind watching Paranormal Activity 2, I was like "Nahhh I have no problem with that". So we watched it, and all I can say about it was its just another movie that pisses me off in the end. Then right after that, my dad wanted to watch The Social Network. So we did.
That movie is apperently being voted as the best movie of the year at the oscars, I highly disagree, but it is a great film. I personally like the shot in it and showing the errors in enterprise, but i don't like how they were trying to portray the main guy as a good guy trying to be bad. Owell thats why I'm not part of the academy I guess. Voting for best movie would be like a spin off the film 12 angery men. Then when the movie was done we went to bed, my mom said "night" blowing a kiss and my dad said "go to bed, so you don't sleep the day away". I replied to both "night". Then I looked at my bro, ans said "going to bed?". He said with a sigh "yeah, you gonna use the computer?". I said "yeah" with a little smirk. He stormed off, and slamed his door. Then I got up and turned the TV off, grabbed the computer, and went to bed. Thats all I did today
- Sam Stewart
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